The Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) touches all aspects of university life, from the classroom to the workplace and from cocurricular activities to public events. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators from across campus have been developing, and continue to develop and implement best practices that ensure information technology and resources are accessible to all at SF State.
While the ATI is supported by CSU policy, including EO 1111, Academic Senate resolutions, and coded memoranda, the implementation of the ATI at SF State is the right thing to do in order to facilitate full and equal access to information and communication technologies. It promotes the use of technology, enhancing the effectiveness of all students, faculty and staff, and encourages a campus culture that embraces disability access as a matter of social justice and equity. In addition, both federal and state laws mandate that CSU websites, instructional materials, and other IT resources be accessible.
Laws and Policies
The Accessible Technology Initiative reflects a significant cultural shift in the United States substantiated by federal and state laws protecting the civil rights of people with disabilities. These laws are the result of the ongoing efforts of the disability community and its allies. The following list of links outlines the laws and policies behind ATI in reverse chronological order.
2017: Cloud Computing Practice Directive includes ATI reviews of technology purchases
2016: Procurement Card Policy includes ATI reviews of technology purchases
2012: Online education policy - Academic Senate Policy #S12-264
2010: Policy on Course Syllabi - Academic Senate Policy #F10-257, which includes the Syllabus Disability Statement Policy
2008: Policy on Timely Adoption of Textbooks for Students - Academic Senate Policy #S08-249
March 2021: Updated ATI Memo (not numbered) that superseded AA-2015-22 and reflects updated Success Indicators
May 2018: Chancellor's Executive Order 1111, The California State University Board of Trustees Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations (supersedes EO 926)
December 2015: Updated Coded Memoranda AA-2015-22 is an addendum to AA-2013-03 that replaces the Implementation section of AA-2013-03
August 2013: Memo to CSU Presidents regarding Campus Accessibility Strategy for Online Education
January 2013: Updated Coded Memorandum AA-2013-03 that guides ATI implementations across the CSU system (supersedes all previous ATI Coded Memoranda.)
December 2004: Chancellor’s Executive Order 926, The California State University Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations
2017: Section 508 refreshed
2003: SB 302 amends Government Code 11135 and requires the CSU to implement provisions of the American with Disabilities Act and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in relation to the provision of accessible electronic and information technologies.
1998: Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
1990: Americans with Disabilities Act
1973: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act