If a technology product you want to purchase or use is not fully accessible, an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) will need to be created to ensure that persons with disabilities have an alternate method of interacting with the technology being purchased. The purpose of an EEAAP is to identify accessibility barriers and lay out workarounds so that the end-user does not have this burden. Additionally, the EEAAP outlines the institutional response to help an individual achieve alternate means of access, or procedures to follow should an accommodation request arise.
An individual from the purchase requestor department is appointed as the contact person to initiate and oversee EEAAP implementation requests. This plan will need to be approved by the Director of the DPRC, the Requesting Department Head and the Requesting Department Associate Vice President or Dean.
The DPRC will provide you with detailed instructions when the form needs to be completed. Once finalized, the document will be routed via DocuSign for signatures. The EEAAP will be updated as the product's accessibility status changes around the time of each renewal.
You may download SF State's EEAAP template below (Microsoft Word Document format)