Ongoing Monitoring of Websites

While websites are required to undergo a web accessibility review before launching or significant redesign, it is important to remember that web content always changes. Some departments have multiple editors who contribute to a website and this increases the risk of inadvertent accessibility barriers. It is therefore very important for website managers to monitor the health of their websites at specific intervals.

The SF State ATI team assists with this ongoing monitoring by providing the campus with an automated assessment tool. This automated assessment tool, Level Access, can be a valuable resource in ensuring accessibility of your websites. You may set up a scan to run at an interval of your choosing and have a report emailed to you once complete.

The ATI team is available to help you run an automated scan, set up scan groups, scans, notifications and prepare website accessibility reports. Please contact us for further information.

Level Access is a web application that will help you perform automated accessibility assessments on your website. It can crawl through all the pages on your website and generates reports on the accessibility issues associated with each page. Keep in mind that this tool is not intended to replace a manual assessment, but rather as a way to identify the most frequent accessibility errors. This tool also helps you validate broken links on your website.

If you do not already have an account, please request an account. You can then log in to the Level Access website with your username and password.