A Smart Pen is a pen device that can record audio from your lectures, in addition to recording the handwritten notes that you take in class. The pen is designed to allow students to be strategic with their time and only review selected portions of the recorded lecture after class to fill in any gaps of the written notes. This and other functionality can be learned about at a training to be provided on using the Smart Pens as needed. The DPRC offers the Echo Smart Pen to students who are eligible for note-taking services.

DPRC Smart Pen program information
The following applies to students who are eligible to use Smart Pens:
- The DPRC will provide training on using these Smart Pens if needed.
- You must return or renew the Smart Pen to the DPRC before the Summer semester begins each year (generally end of May)
- DPRC will provide limited Smart Pen notebooks for participants
- DPRC will provide ink cartridges if your Smart Pen runs out
SmartPen Training videos
The DPRC has created three SmartPen training videos to assist users in becoming familiar with the device. Please reach out to adaptive@sfsu.edu if you have any further questions or feedback on the videos.
Additional Resources
- LiveScribe Desktop software
- Echo Smartpen Accessories (Students may purchase more equipment at their own expense.)