Below you will find information regarding common reasonable accommodations. All reasonable accommodations are individualized. This list is intended to give you a general sense of what the DPRC may provide, and may or may not include the individual accommodation that will work best for you. Be sure to discuss any accommodation needs you may have with a DPRC Specialist during your initial or follow up appointment.
Please refer to the Registration page for more information on how to request accommodations. For more information or any questions, please contact the DPRC.
The California State University (CSU) policy for the provision of accommodations for students with disabilities is detailed in Coded Memorandum AA 2014-08
Assistance Animals
Students (handlers) with service animals are not required to notify DPRC of their use of a service animal prior to coming to campus, however, it is highly recommended.
Students requiring other types of assistance animals (emotional support, therapy, comfort, companion, etc.) must submit a timely accommodation request and have an accommodation approved prior to bringing their animal to campus. Because of this, DPRC strongly advises students not to adopt or move an animal until approved, and/or consider a back-up plan for where the animal will be housed. Other types of assistance animals are generally limited to residential students who document need to successfully participate in the Residential Life and Student Housing programs and are not permitted in campus buildings and classrooms outside the student’s immediate residence. Go to the Housing Accommodations page to learn how to request disability-related accommodations for on-campus housing.
Read more about assistance animals in CSU Guidance for Faculty & Staff Regarding Service Animals.
Assistive Technology
Visit the Assistive Technology page to learn how to access assistive software and hardware on campus, as well as related assistive technology training services.
Assistive Listening Device (ALD)
If you are hard of hearing you might benefit from borrowing one of the DPRC's ALDs. Visit the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing page to learn more.
If you experience disability-related symptoms that get in the way of your ability to concentrate or tolerate sitting for extended periods of time you may need the option to take a short break without disrupting others to alleviate disability symptoms during classes and exams.
Campus Housing Accommodations
The DPRC works closely with the SF State Housing office to accommodate your disability-related needs in university residences. Go to the Housing Accommodations page to learn how to request disability-related accommodations for on-campus housing.
Classroom Furniture
The DPRC can offer you some alternatives to standard classroom furniture if you are not able access what may already be available in your classrooms. Go to the Physical Access page to learn how to request accessible classroom furniture.
Flexibility with Attendance and/or Deadlines
If you have a chronic health condition or a disability that is prone to periodic exacerbation (flare ups) of symptoms, you may be eligible for flexibility with attendance and/or deadlines . It may include modification of attendance requirements and/or flexibility with assignment deadlines and in scheduling exams. Go to the Flex page to learn more.
Instructional Materials in Accessible Format
The DPRC provides conversion of instructional materials into accessible formats for students who cannot access standard print. Go to the Accessible Media Program page to learn how to request accessible instructional materials, such as text in a digital or audio format, or captioned multimedia.
Sign Language Interpreting Services
The DPRC coordinates sign language interpreting services for Deaf students at SF State in the classroom, during academic advising appointments, and other campus activities. Go to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing page to learn more.
Media Captioning
The DPRC works closely with faculty to ensure that all multi-media used in the classroom for instruction is captioned for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students. Go to the Media Captioning page to learn more.
Note-taking Assistance
If your disability impacts your ability to take notes in the classroom, the DPRC has a few options for you to explore so that you may have equal access to instruction. Go to the Note-Taking page to learn how to request note taking assistance for classroom lectures.
Orientation and Mobility training
Students with visual disabilities may request an orientation to the campus. Please schedule an appointment with a DPRC Specialist to set up this service.
On-Campus Shuttle
If you are not able to walk long distances, the DPRC coordinates on-campus shuttle services from building to building on a pre-scheduled and call-in basis. Go to the Physical Access page to learn more.
There are parking options for students needing accessible parking for both DMV placard holders as well as those without a DMV placard. Go to the Physical Access page to learn more.
Priority Registration
All students registered with the DPRC with a permanent disability are eligible to register on the first day of a priority registration period for a full class load. Many students with temporary disabilities are eligible for this accommodation as well. We want you to use priority registration as a tool to be able to put your accommodations into place well in advance of the first day of classes and to create a class schedule that works with your disability-related needs.
Real-Time Captioning (CART)
Real-time captioners are trained to transcribe, using specialized equipment and software, spoken communication into conventional written English verbatim. The Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing consumer is able to follow spoken communication that is displayed in text format on a computer screen or other display device. Go to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing page to learn more.
Reduced Unit Load
Students who are unable to carry a full time unit load for disability-related reasons may be eligible for this accommodation. If this is the case for you, the DPRC can work with you and the SF State financial aid counselors to retain your financial aid eligibility.
Remote Attendance
Remote attendance generally means participating in classes synchronously through an online forum, like Zoom. This means that if approved for this accommodation, students should be logged in to class simultaneously with the in-person session to be counted present. Accessing recordings after the fact may not constitute remote attendance and students may be counted absent per any course attendance policy. However, students and instructors have latitude in how they wish to implement remote attendance. Once feasibility is confirmed, instructors and students may meet with DPRC to discuss implementation options.
Reserved Seating
The DPRC can help you with preferential seating if your disability impacts where you need to sit in the classroom in order to access instruction. Go to the Physical Access page to learn more.
Scent-Free Environment
It can be difficult to ensure classrooms are scent-free but if you have multiple chemical sensitivities we can work with you and your instructors to request that classmates refrain from using scented products on the days they are in your classes. Be sure and discuss your need for this accommodation with a DPRC specialist during your initial or follow up appointment.
Seizure Protocol
If you anticipate experiencing a seizure at some point while in the classroom, we can provide you with a memo to share with instructors in advance about the appropriate protocol for responding when, and if, this occurs. Be sure and discuss your need for this accommodation with a DPRC specialist during your initial or follow up appointment.