Student requires flexible attendance and deadlines; this accommodation is effective upon completing the Faculty and Student Agreement Form for each course to create a contingency plan. In order to consider this accommodation implemented, the DPRC requires that you and the student arrange a meeting to discuss and develop this contingency plan for making up exams or assignment deadlines in the event of an exacerbation of symptoms. You and the student must also agree on how many additional absences will be allowed without penalty. You must make at least one attempt to set a meeting with the student.
Modifying attendance requirements and/or extending assignment deadlines are mandated reasonable accommodations when they do not alter the essential features of the curriculum. You and the student must agree on a reasonable plan for how the student will make up missed content and assignments without penalty. For further instructions and suggestions, and to view the information in the agreement form, visit the DPRC website. DPRC is available to consult with you about how to best implement this accommodation based on your course objectives. If at any time you think accommodations for flexibility with attendance and/or deadlines may fundamentally alter the nature of your curriculum, please consult with the DPRC at
Instructions for completing Faculty and Student Agreement Form
The student will complete the Faculty and Student Agreement form in myDPRC with input from the instructor. A copy of the questions are listed below. You may download a PDF version as well. Once complete, an email of this agreement is sent to the student, the instructor, and the DPRC. If any edits are needed after the form is completed, the DPRC will update the form.
Questions asked in the Faculty and Student Agreement Form
1. Standard number of absences allowed in the above referenced course:
2. How many addtional absences will be allowed without penalty?
3. Method by which student will notify instructor when an exacerbation of symptoms occurs: (select one)
- Phone
- Both (Provide instructor's email and phone number)
4. Indicate a time frame in which student will notify instructor when flexibility is needed (select one)
- As soon as it happens (if possible)
- Within 2 days of return to school
- Other (Specify)
5. Faculty/student agreement regarding how to establish new due dates/deadlines:
6. In the event the missed class session falls on an exam date, how long will the student have to reschedule the exam with the DPRC Testing Program? (Note: it is the student’s responsibility to contact the DPRC Testing Program to schedule this testing appointment)
Tips for Implementing FLEX
DPRC staff are available to consult with you on the general structure of your course as well as on specific assignments. You can also find some tips and things to consider when considering how to implement flex in your course. One thing to remember is that you are teaching to your Student Learning Objectives, which means you are often not bound to one pathway to achieving those SLOs. For example, consider whether group work is fundamental to the SLO or if it just the path you have chosen to arrive at the SLO. If it is the path, not the outcome, it’s a place where you can be flexible and creative with students who need to use flex. Keep in mind that Flexibility as an accommodation applies to your course beyond what you have in your syllabus and is applicable to classes where instructors already have some flexibility built in to their syllabus.
-If your class does a warmup writing activity, consider sending the prompt to the student the night before class.
-Is there another section the student might attend if necessary (e.g. another class doing the same lab activity at a later time or date)?
-Is your course highly interactive or mostly lecture based?
-What exceptions do you tend to make under the university’s Excused Absence Policy and how do you make sure those students are able to make up the work? (e.g. student athletes, students in performing arts or otherwise representing the university in sanctioned events).
-Consider your typical grading cadence. Do you grade assignments the same day they are turned in? If not, is it reasonable to allow an extension up to the date you plan to grade an assignment if needed?
-Does the course have a specific, set scaffolding structure? For example, do you need to post answers prior to teaching new content? If so, is it reasonable to extend a deadline up to the date when answers are posted? If not, what is a reasonable extension in your course?